Starting a new business?
or taking your existing business into the online world?
We can help get you started on the right foot...
What you need to know before launching a new business
Launching a new business can be a very exciting time. But sometimes, we can feel a little lost as to 'How to' start a new business. You've come to the right place and you are in very good hands.
As personal business owners, we understand the confusion around getting out there. It seems the market is saturated in almost every industry these days, but that is really nothing to worry about. Your business and talents are unique to you. No one does You better than you, so never worry that there is already too many people doing what you want to do. If you are willing to show up for yourself and your business then we are ready to support you and make that journey as easy and enjoyable as we can - and we promise you, it will be!
Biz Start-Up package
PHASE 1 - Before Launch
Having a goal and business plan is going to be important at this stage. Never fret that it has to be concrete right now, we can always amend and change the plan later, but it's important that any party that is involved with opening a new business has the same goal and plan in mind before kick-off. This might look like a sit-down with yourself and your business partner if you have one and get some pen to paper. Why are we creating this business? What services will we provide? Who is our ideal client? What will we charge? What hours do we want to work? Where do we want to be in 12 months' time? It really doesn't have to be anything more formal than that at this point. This part can actually be highly beneficial plus exciting to get the image of how your business will look next year. Visualization is a key component here. See it, feel it, and hold the vision.
Biz Start-Up package
PHASE 2 - Brand and logo design
This part is definitely fun. Playing with the overall feel, look and vibe of your business is super exciting. This can be done relatively quickly with our team. We love designing unique imagery and graphics for our clients.
Biz Start-Up package
PHASE 3 - Content creation
Once the business plan is in place and we understand your goals and vision, and the brand colours and logo has been designed by the team, we then assign you a team member that will take care of all your content creation. This usually looks like our skillful team creating content that we believe aligns with your vision aswell as adheres to your target market's interests. We will create graphics and content to match what we plan to schedule to your new social media account over the course of the month. We recommend posting every second day at least. We send you your graphics and accompanying content for your approval prior to posting. At this point you have other opportunity to add some words into the copy of the post if you so wish, edit or give feedback on changes you require.
PRO SERVICE- Instagram pre-fill
PRO Service ADD-ON
We have some secret weapons when it comes to attracting followers early on in your business venture on social media. We also don't share these secrets online, but just to give you an idea, we like to build your page before you launch so that your business doesn't look like a complete newbie when anyone visits the page. When we officially launch the business, your social page looks like its already been around the block a couple of times. This is an added service we offer to our clients. See The Secret Service Pro Package below.
Biz Start-Up package
PHASE 4 - Social media launch
Whether you are choosing to opt for the added PRO service or not, after the content creation phase and with your approval, we post on your behalf using trending and appropriate hashtags for your target market and location. This allows you to concentrate on the day-to-day running of the business, working with clients, and taking bookings. Your social media account will be active as we post every second day with new and exciting content that will attract your ideal clients and spotlight your business. You have the option to subscribe to a monthly service of this package where we will take care of your content, graphics, and scheduling while you take care of the on-the-ground business activities. There is no lock in contract, you can pause, stop or restart any time you like.
With the Secret Service Pro package, we also create a monthly newsletter that will go out to your mailing list. On Instagram, we will guide you to create a promotional offer to attract clients monthly and create a story slideshow to showcase this.
PRO Service ADD-ON
PRO SERVICE- Marketing tools
"You girls have saved me! I highly recommend signing up for their PRO service. I had no time in my business to be online and now, all I have is time! Forever grateful"
Ali Carlton
"I love this service! I didn't know where to start to promote my business. Amy took care of everything and made the whole process not only easy but very enjoyable. Highly recommend. "
Rachael Howard
"Definitely recommend having them run your social media and following. I am not good at tech so this really worked for me and my business. Thank you so much!"
Carly Evans
PHASE 1 - 4 - New Biz Start-Up package
This package includes ;
3 Logo Concepts Main Logo
Sub Logo
Colour, Font, and palette scheme
Brand guideline presentation
12 graphic designed tiles (Images/Graphics)
12 copies of content to accompany tiles
Hashtag optimization
Scheduling on your behalf
$697 (normally $794)
We have other packages available if you do not require logo and branding.
This package includes everything from the New Biz Start Up package, PLUS
1 hour per day working on your page to build a social media following and promote your business. (Mon-Fri)
1 monthly newsletter
1 Instagram story slideshow for promotional offers or specials.